Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 16, 2012

 Some photos from yesterday.....

Do you you know how sometimes you meet people and like them instantly?  I feel that way about Stacy and Cam :)  Here we are in front of a Disney English Center

 Yesterday morning some of the foreign trainers met for breakfast at the hotel and then went over to get some stuff done at the bank.  Afterwards, we stopped in at a Dunkin Donuts across the street where they were serving up delightful flavors like Butter Stick!  And notice that on top of that Pineapple Choc Cake Donut...that's not a cherry

Other fabulous flavors: Dry Pork and Seaweed Donut and next to it is Dried Bonito, which looks like bacon and god knows what else
Cam and I eating the pork and seaweed donut!

                                              It was weird but not too bad, I'd eat it again :)

 Adventure to find a photo booth in the subway station.  We needed to get 12-14 photos taken for our medical exams, housing applications, etc.  (No one is 100% sure why we need these but we were told to go get them)

              Cam and Krit trying to figure out the Chinese photo booth.  We were totally holding up the line.  It's a good thing that the cosmopolitan Shanghaiers are used to seeing foreigners because we make a complete spectacle everywhere we go.    

                                                      Combo meal offered at McDonalds

                                                                  Courtney and Tanya


  1. Looks like so much fun! So happy for you!

  2. Everything is good with bacon! You should've tried the Dried Bonito!

  3. Oh my god I think I'd starve if I moved to China!
